Wipe Your Glosses

"Every author really wants to have letters printed in the papers. Unable to make the grade, he drops down a rung of the ladder and writes novels." - P.G. Wodehouse

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Location: Bellingham, Washington

Pragmatically turning my whims into principles.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Let's write a story

[I should really be reading more; my writing skills have simply fallen to pieces since last I did this sort of thing. Oh well - I'll leave it up to y'all to improve upon it. Just click on "comments" and author the next installment. Ready, set, go!]

The day was blistering hot. One of those days when it seems the breeze, while running late to an appointment, was yanked into a dark alley and bopped on the noggin, and it would be a week at least in coming to. But nevertheless, it was going to be a good day. I could feel it.

I sank lazily back into my chair and reflected on my position. I'd beat a quick retreat from the city not three weeks ago in search of a bit of solace. The clatter, the crowds, the creditors - they were all behind me now, and I could again turn my attention to my manuscript. Just four more chapters and I'd be on easy street.

And, I assure you, on easy street I would be. This one was a gold mine, a veritable zinger. It had it all - the snappy wit, the bristling suspense, the smarmy romance, the smart humor... It was, in short, hot stuff, and I knew it. All I needed was a few more weeks of quiet writing to complete my masterpiece.

And then the telephone rang.


Blogger Sapience said...

I was loathe to pick it up. I had a masterpiece to finish--and who in the world would be calling me here? I had let no note, no phone number where my sister's boyfriend's ex-mother-in-law could reach me about her latest romance novel.

But there is something about a ringing telephone--especially when I have no answering machine. It just rings and rings and rings.... never stopping, driving me nuts.

So I picked it up. I debated for a moment just breathing heavily to scare whoever was on the other side of that wire, but could not bring myself to do it.

"Hello." Simple, that greeting. It gave no name away.

"Johnny! Where have you been? We've been trying to track you down for days! You could have left a note, you know, just to let us know how to get a hold of you! "

8:49 AM  

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